United States Army Garrison (USAG) Grafenwoehr consists of Rose Barracks at Vilseck and Main Post at Grafenwoehr, which are located in beautiful Bavaria, about 60 miles northeast of Nuernberg. USAG Grafenwoehr commands, controls, supports, opperates and enables mission and readiness of stationed and rotational units while caring for people and providing the highest quality training environment for the European theater of operations. USAG Grafenwoehr and Vilseck’s base operator is 011-49-711-680-113 or DSN 314-430-1110.
If you have questions or desire information on grave sites and memorials within Europe, visit the American Battle Monuments Commission. For general information on U.S. Army Europe visit the Headquarters U.S. Army Europe’s website.
The area around Grafenwoehr and Vilseck has long been recognized as well-suited for military training. Since 1947, the U.S. Army has used the area for training. Today The Grafenwoehr Training Area (GTA) is the largest NATO training area in Europe. For more information, go to the Garrison Grafenwoehr homepage.
USAG Grafenwoehr commands, controls and operates the installations of Grafenwoehr, Hohenfels, and Vilseck to support and enable mission and readiness of stationed and rotational units while caring for people and providing the highest quality training environment for the European theater of operations. This includes: maintaining liaison with mission commanders, leaders, and host nation communities; conducting daily operations to provide installation support to mission commanders IAW the common levels of service; maintaining and improving installation services, infrastructure and environment; planning for and conducting contingency operations by providing deployment support; and, maintaining garrison operational and situational awareness and provide force protection within the USAG Grafenwoehr area of responsibility.
Population Served
USAG Grafenwoehr directly supports the 7th Army Joint Multinational Training Command, Grafenwoehr Training Area, the Combat Maneuver Training Command, and many other tenant units
Base Transportation
There is a free shuttle bus service available between Main Post and Rose Barracks with stops at the various Housing areas within the local villages. Please refer to the bus schedule in your Welcome Packet or pick up a schedule at your local Army Community Service (ACS) office.
Military members and civilian employees are authorized sponsors to assist them with the relocation process. Service members should log on to the following web site. This site allows service members to find out their pin-point assignment, communicate with their gaining unit, and link with a variety of web-based resources. Civilian employees should contact the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC) to request a sponsor.
Temporary Quarters
Grafenwoehr and Vilseck billeting offer comfortable rooms and suites located within walking distance to restaurants, bowling centers, clubs and other MWR facilities. Pet friendly rooms are available. Make reservations for temporary lodging as soon as you receive orders. When space is not available, the installation lodging office will provide information on where additional space (contract quarters) with good rates may be available.
Relocation Assistance
The Army Community Service (ACS) Relocation Readiness Program offers a variety of services to aid Soldiers, Civilians and their Families in the transition process. In order to support the cultural adaptation to Germany, we would like to invite you to our Newcomer Orientation “Welcome To Bavaria” (WTB), “NEAT” (Newcomer Exploring Area Tour), “German as a Second Language” (GSL), “German Cooking” and the “Lunch Bunch” to introduce you with the local cuisine. Join us and make some new friends.
The Lending Closet offers a variety of basic household items such as cookware, dinnerware, playpens, high chairs, cribs, car seats, kitchen appliances, and vacuum cleaners to families awaiting arrival of their household goods. Once you arrive, stop in at our office in Grafenwoehr Bldg. 244, or Vilseck Bldg. 322 and find out which of the many programs is for you.
Critical Installation Information
Child care availability in USAREUR varies from one installation to the next. Some communities have significant child care waiting lists. Soldiers and DoD civilians who are on pinpoint orders to USAREUR may contact the Child and Youth Services (CYS) Central Enrollment Registration Office (CER) at their gaining installation to register their child(ren) on the child care waiting list 60-90 days prior to their arrival. To sign up, parents should fax a copy of their orders to the gaining CER office.
When conditions warrant base closure or delays Tenant Units, Military Personnel and civilians can receive information by tuning their radios to AM 1107, FM 98.5 for Main Post or FM 107.6 for Rose Barracks for the latest updates; logging onto the garrison website and clicking the “weather conditions, road conditions and school closures” tab; turning their TV’s to the Command Channel to watch the weather crawler at the bottom of the screen for road conditions and reporting instructions. NOTE: On and off post shuttle buses DO NOT run when the road conditions are RED.