You can pay conveniently for your tickets and reservations with your credit card. Just enter your credit card number, the validity date and your credit card verification number in the appropriate fields of the booking window.
You can store your credit card data in "My Bahn" under "Manage my data" for fast and secure booking. If you do not want to store a credit card in your profile, you can re-enter this data for each booking.
We accept following credit cards:
- Visa
- MasterCard
- American Express
- Diners Club
The verification number process:
Entering the credit card verification number increases the level of security for your order even further. It is a 3* or 4**-digit number sequence printed on your card (i.e. not a relief imprint), which is not found on normal payment documents. This additional query ensures that no credit card data obtained by deceit, e.g. from a payment document which has been thrown away, is used improperly. The verification number is not stored in our system and has to be re-entered with every order.
* Master Card, VISA, JCB, Diners Club: The last three digits of the number in the signature area on the back of the card
** American Express: The four-digit number to the right above the imprint on the front of the card
If you do not have a BahnCard, you can log into "My Bahn" and conveniently pay by direct debit. Log into "My Bahn". Under "My data and settings", you will find the registration form for the direct debit process.
After completion of the registration data, you will receive an activation code by mail within a few days. With this activation code, you can complete your registration for the direct debit process under "My Bahn".
Please note: To participate in the direct debit process, both your residence and the offices of your designated bank must be located in Germany.
As a BahnCard holder you can use your card to pay by direct debit. Simply enter your bank data under "My Bahn" and you can pay for your online tickets by direct debit.
You can also use your BahnCard in DB ticket machines for simple and convenient payment. The amount is debited from your bank account by direct debit.
Please note
- We are unfortunately unable to accept registration by e-mail or a purely online registration for legal reasons.
- To participate in the direct debit process your address and the bank office you have specified must be within Germany. You will be activated for the direct debit process within a few days.
- You can only pay over the Internet or using the Telephone Travel Service (+49 1806 996633)* after you have been activated. You will be informed by e-mail of the activation.