يوجد في برلين والمقاطعة المجاورة براندنبورغ الكثير من وسائط النقل العامة: قطارات المدينة، قطارات الأنفاق، قطارات الشوارع، الباصات والعبارات وقطارات الأقاليم. يتبع جميعها اتحاد مواصلات برلين – براندنبورغ. مختصرها VBB. تستطيع هنا أن تعرف كيف يمكنك استخدام وسائط النقل العامة في برلين وبراندنبورغ.
There are many public transport options in Berlin and neighbouring Brandenburg: S-Bahn (local railway), U-Bahn (underground), trams, buses, ferries and regional trains. They are all part of the Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (the public transport authority for Berlin and Brandenburg), or VBB for short. The following provides information on how to use public transport in Berlin and Brandenburg.
Explore Berlin and surrounding areas
Berlin offers a sophisticated and comprehensive public transportation system that is almost incomparable to other cities. It is easy to use and you can get almost anywhere in the city, 24 hours a day. At night there are numerous night buses and trains at your service.
Get your Tourist ticket
Discover Berlin’s highlights and save on entrance fees of top sights. With this special offer for Berlin tourists you get a ticket for the local public transportation network as well as various discounts for Berlin’s greatest tourist attractions and cultural highlights, no matter if you are staying 2, 3 or 5 days.
From airport / main station ...
The best connections to the German capital and its greater region...
Regular Tickets
Public transport in Berlin is quite easy to use. Berlin is divided into three fare zones. Select the ticket that suits your wishes of travelling in these zones best. Tickets can be purchased at one of the numerous sales points or at the ticket machines that are to find at the stations. Please do not forget to validate your ticket before starting your journey.
S-Bahn Berlin - who we are!
The S-Bahn Berlin is a 100 percent subsidiary of the Deutsche Bahn Group. Every day in a working week, up to 1.3 million passengers travel with the S-Bahn Berlin. The company\'s red & yellow trains are just as much a familiar feature of the cityscape as the Brandenburg Gate and the TV Tower.