It depends. Exchange and refund rules are governed by the kind of fare you purchased. You’ll see that on our website, we’ve categorized train tickets in three flexibility categories.
- Non Flexible fares, which offer the best value but are generally not exchangeable or refundable
- Semi Flexible Fares, which may be exchanged or refunded prior to departure but may involve a change fee and penalty. Exchanges are only permitted for the same city pair or route originally booked.
- Flexible Fares, which can be exchanged prior to departure and are generally fully refundable with no penalty. Exchanges are only permitted for the same city pair or route originally booked.
When browsing fares on our website, you can read a brief description of each fare flexibility level, and then see the full exchange and refund conditions for each fare by clicking the “read more” link.
Once you have purchased a train ticket from us, its exchange and refund rules will be indicated in your Rail Europe email confirmation, as well as printed with your train ticket and or on the ticket jacket in the case of paper tickets.
Train tickets must be received for exchange or refund within the allowed time frame mentioned in the exchange and refund conditions.
See also:
Source: www.raileurope.com

Train Ride from Salzburg to Munich

Eurail | Train route from Munich to Salzburg