The Pikes Peak Cog Railway is open year-round. Beginning in mid-March, the train will run 7 days a week until late October, and again during the Christmas Holidays. Listed below, you will find expected train times from May-December. Train times are subject to change without noticeso be sure to check the website regularly, by clicking "Click here for dates of operation" below or call the ticket office at (719) 685-5401 for up-to-date information.
The Pikes Peak Cog Railway is open year-round. In January and February, the train will no longer be able to make it to the Summit of Pikes Peak due to unpredictable weather and snow. Trains will go to Inspiration Point which is at 11, 500 ft, making the trip around 2 hours and 15 minutes in duration. During this time, the trains will only run on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays), as well as Holidays. Listed below, you will find expected train times from December-May.
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