Trains will depart Cranbourne Station, Merinda Park Station, Lynbrook Station, Dandenong Station, Yarraman Station, Noble Park Station, Sandown Park Station, Springvale Station, Westall Station, Clayton Station, Huntingdale Station, Oakleigh Station, Hughesdale Station, Murrumbeena Station, Carnegie Station, Caulfield Station, express to South Yarra Station, Richmond Station, City. CITY STATIONS: Flagstaff Station (weekdays only), Melbourne Central Station, Parliament Station, Flinders Street Station and Southern Cross Station (Spencer Street). CITY LOOP: Direction of travel through the City Loop depends on the day of week and time of day. Weekday morning and weekend services operate to Flinders Street via City Loop. Weekday afternoon and weekday evening services operate to Flinders Street and then City Loop. STOPPING PATTERNS: Most daytime trains operate express Caulfield to South Yarra. Night trains stop all stations and operate as shuttles between Cranbourne and Dandenong. Additional express patterns operate during weekday peak times, as follows: WEEKDAY AM PEAK DIRECTION EXPRESS PATTERN: Operate two main stopping patterns. A. Commences at Cranbourne, Berwick or Dandenong then all stations to Caulfield, express to South Yarra, Richmond, then all stations to Flinders Street via City Loop. B. Stops all stations from Pakenham to Dandenong, then express to Noble Park, Sandown Park, Springvale, express to Clayton, express to Oakleigh, express to Caulfield, express to South Yarra, Richmond, then all stations to Flinders Street via City Loop. NOTE: the above is a general guide and some service variations exist. Please consult timetables for detailed information on stopping patterns. FREQUENT SERVICE: TRAINS OPERATE BETWEEN DANDENONG AND CITY APPROXIMATELY EVERY 15 MINUTES MONDAY TO FRIDAY AND 10 MINUTES ON WEEKENDS. EVENING SERVICE OPERATES EVERY 20 TO 30 MINUTES.
To Cranbourne
Trains will depart City, Richmond Station, South Yarra Station, express to Caulfield Station, Carnegie Station, Murrumbeena Station, Hughesdale Station, Oakleigh Station, Huntingdale Station, Clayton Station, Westall Station, Springvale Station, Sandown Park Station, Noble Park Station, Yarraman Station, Dandenong Station, Lynbrook Station, Merinda Park Station and Cranbourne Station. CITY STATIONS: Flagstaff Station (weekdays only), Melbourne Central Station, Parliament Station, Flinders Street Station and Southern Cross Station (Spencer Street). CITY LOOP: Direction of travel through the City Loop depends on the day of week and time of day. Weekday morning and weekend services operate direct from Flinders Street (having travelled via the City Loop). Weekday afternoon and weekday evening services operate from Flinders Street via the City Loop. STOPPING PATTERNS: Most daytime trains operate express Caulfield to South Yarra. Night trains stop all stations and operate as shuttles between Dandenong and Cranbourne. Additional express patterns operate during weekday peak times, as follows: WEEKDAY PM PEAK DIRECTION EXPRESS PATTERN: Operate two main stopping patterns. A. Commences at Flinders Street and operates via the City Loop to Richmond, South Yarra, express to Caulfield, all stations to Dandenong, with most trains operating all stations to Cranbourne. B. Commences at Flinders Street and operates via the City Loop to Richmond, South Yarra, express to Caulfield, express to Oakleigh, express to Clayton, express to Springvale, Sandown Park, Noble Park, express to Dandenong then all stations to Pakenham. NOTE: the above is a general guide and some service variations exist. Please consult timetables for detailed information on stopping patterns. FREQUENT SERVICE: TRAINS OPERATE BETWEEN CITY AND DANDENONG APPROXIMATELY EVERY 15 MINUTES MONDAY TO FRIDAY AND 10 MINUTES ON WEEKENDS. EVENING SERVICE OPERATES EVERY 20 TO 30 MINUTES.