Train Schedule departure times

November 9, 2015
Here s a modern style RER B

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Westbound (inbound) trains will NOT board passengers between 63rd St. and Millennium Station.

7:45 9:01 —— 1:05
Hudson Lake f7:08 f8:25 f12:28
Carroll Ave* 5:20 7:30 9:27 12:52
11th St 5:25 7:36 9:33 12:58
Beverly Shores f5:35 f7:46 f9:43 f1:08
Dune Park* 5:41 7:52 9:49 1:15
Portage/Ogden Dunes* 5:50 8:00 9:57 1:24
Miller 5:56 8:06 10:03 1:31
Gary Metro Ctr* 6:04 8:12 10:09 1:38
Gary/Chicago Airport# f6:09 f8:17 f10:14 f1:43
East Chicago* 6:15 8:26 9:30 10:22 1:52
Hammond* 6:20 8:31 9:35 10:27 1:57
Hegewisch* 6:25 8:38 9:40 10:34 2:04
63rd St
57th St* 6:46 8:59 10:56 2:25
McCormick Place* f6:52 f9:05 f10:08 f11:02 f2:31
Museum Campus/11th* 6:55 9:08 10:11 11:05 2:34
Van Buren St* 6:58 9:11 10:14 11:08 2:37
Millennium Station* 7:00 9:13 10:16 11:10 2:39
South Bend* 5:45
f5:08 f9:39
3:40 5:30 7:10 10:01
3:46 5:36 7:16 10:07
f3:56 f5:45 f7:26 f10:16
4:02 5:51 7:32
4:10 5:59 7:40 10:30
4:16 6:05 7:46 10:36
4:22 6:11 10:42
f4:27 f6:16 f7:57 f10:47
4:35 6:24 8:05
4:40 6:29 8:10 11:01
4:47 6:36 8:17
5:09 6:57 11:29
f5:15 f7:03 f8:44 f11:35
5:18 7:06 8:47 11:38
5:21 7:09 8:50 11:41
5:23 7:11 8:52 11:43

* = Station accessible to persons with disabilities.

# = also known as Clark Rd. Approximately 1 mile from airport terminal.

f = flag stop – push button located in or near shelter to activate strobe light to signal train to stop. Please push button at least 5 minutes before scheduled departure time of train. Strobe light will turn off automatically after 10 minutes. Passengers should remain visible to engineer when standing at platform. There is no strobe at McCormick Place or 63rd St.

Boarding and alighting at low level platforms: At the following stations boarding or alighting the train may only be done at doors manned by uniformed personnel: Hudson Lake, Carroll Ave., 11th Street, Beverly Shores, Dune Park, Portage/Ogden Dunes, Miller, Gary Metro Center, and Gary/Chicago Airport. If you are unsure which doors will open please ask train personnel.

d means depart station after discharging passenger – if you are boarding an eastbound train please anticipate that trains may depart up to 4 minutes before scheduled departure time.

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Train Schedule Board
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