The Eurail Select Pass gives you the option to choose extensive rail travel on the national rail networks of 2, 3 or 4 adjoining countries connected by train or ship. The Eurail Select Pass gives you other choices as well, like offering discounts for Youth, and Saverpass discounts for 2 or more traveling together. Available for 4, 5, 6, 8 or 10 days of train travel within a two-month period. Travel days can be used consecutively or non-consecutively. Please note: Not all county and travel day combinations are available for the 2, 3 or 4 country passes.
The Eurail Select Pass from Rail Europe will transport you in comfort: not only providing effortless access to the places you want to visit, but simplicity of travel without concern for flight times, road signs or gas prices.
Another less recognized but enormous benefit of taking the train with a European rail pass, is that it travels from city-center to city-center, leaving you where all the action is. And the Eurail Select Pass gives you the cost savings to travel, as well as all the other additional bonuses that the pass provides: from select hotel discounts to museum entries, to cruise and ferry offers. With a Eurail Select Pass, the benefits, like the connections it provides, are everywhere.
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